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No Worries!
Group Number: 35704, Team Leader: mikegolden

  There are 46 members. 26 are considered active.

  We're a team with a simple aim. We believe in playing trivia for fun - not kudos, not because we're expected to achieve great things, and certainly not out of a sense of duty. Too busy or tired to play Team games - No Worries! Don't feel like chatting today - No Worries! Didn't have a high score in Heroes - No Worries! Just join us if you want a chatty, supportive group of friends who will congratulate you on good performances (if they happen to notice!) and commiserate if you need a friendly shoulder. Just let us know if you are going to be inactive for more than a few weeks so we can keep your place on the team.

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: baldricksmum, SillaCaliente, windrush, Mommakat, eddy999, nokbbear, Fifiscot, maddogrick16, Jaarhead, zlajamilivojev, mikegolden, AcrylicInk, pitegny, jolana, dekwanlessjnr, em1958, tjmartel8, Mark9000, buncha1956, catbrain ...
Ranked #19 in League B last month.
This group is currently set as open to all. Join Now!

All Leagues : League B : Current Standings

For January we are using 7 games for the 25 team ruby advanced league.
Team Heroes   Obscurity    Easy Hourly   Fifty-Fifty   Daily Game   Mixed Hourly    Who's Smartest?

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero DailEasyMixSmrtFiftyObsc Score
1. Pi in the Sky 123 /25 1 /25 2 /25 4 /25 1 /25 1 /25 3 /25 15
2. Quiz Makers Guild 305 /25 2 /25 8 /25 2 /25 3 /25 5 /25 4 /25 29
3. The Internationals 277 /25 4 /25 4 /25 9 /25 6 /25 2 /25 5 /25 37
4. No Team here... 532 /25 3 /25 10 /25 6 /25 2 /25 7 /25 9 /25 39
5. The Regal Beagles 221 /25 6 /25 13 /25 8 /25 10 /25 6 /25 2 /25 46
6. All 50 States 474 /25 12 /25 7 /25 3 /25 4 /25 8 /25 11 /25 49
7. The Devil's Advocates 618 /25 5 /25 1 /25 1 /25 5 /25 16 /25 16 /25 52
8. The Daily Players 618 /25 19 /25 3 /25 5 /25 9 /25 3 /25 1 /25 58
9. The Usual Suspects 3310 /25 14 /25 6 /25 7 /25 8 /25 11 /25 7 /25 63
10. Mustardlanders 814 /25 7 /25 9 /25 10 /25 7 /25 4 /25 23 /25 74
11. Kindred Spirits 1711 /25 11 /25 15 /25 12 /25 11 /25 13 /25 17 /25 90
12. Movie Buffs 259 /25 15 /25 16 /25 15 /25 15 /25 9 /25 13 /25 92
13. Quizaholics Synonymous 1215 /25 8 /25 14 /25 14 /25 20 /25 19 /25 8 /25 98
14. Washingtonians 617 /25 10 /25 11 /25 13 /25 12 /25 14 /25 21 /25 98
15. The British 386 /25 18 /25 5 /25 20 /25 14 /25 21 /25 20 /25 104
16. THE CONSERVATIVES 2612 /25 16 /25 19 /25 16 /25 18 /25 10 /25 14 /25 105
17. No Worries! 2620 /25 13 /25 17 /25 17 /25 16 /25 15 /25 10 /25 108
18. Playing for fun 3313 /25 17 /25 23 /25 21 /25 19 /25 17 /25 6 /25 116
19. Kilted Kangas 1523 /25 24 /25 12 /25 11 /25 17 /25 18 /25 12 /25 117
20. Australian Players 5022 /25 21 /25 18 /25 18 /25 13 /25 12 /25 19 /25 123
21. Best of the West 2516 /25 9 /25 25 /25 23 /25 22 /25 24 /25 25 /25 144
22. Geographers 2119 /25 20 /25 22 /25 22 /25 23 /25 20 /25 18 /25 144
23. New Horizons 1024 /25 23 /25 20 /25 19 /25 21 /25 22 /25 15 /25 144
24. Writer's Block 1321 /25 22 /25 21 /25 24 /25 24 /25 23 /25 22 /25 157
25. The Meek Shall Inherit 3125 /25 25 /25 24 /25 25 /25 25 /25 25 /25 24 /25 173

: Top teams move up to league A at end of month.     Bottom teams move down to League C at end of month.
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Jan 11, 11:50 PMFifiscot Endurance
score 30000 pts in a day
Jan 11, 12:02 AMFifiscot Daily Game Winner
win your division 4 times
Jan 07, 9:35 PMtjmartel8 Team Magnate
earn 1750000 Team Points
Jan 07, 3:38 AMbuncha1956 Mystery Box
score perfectly on 3 mystery box games
Jan 02, 9:24 PMwindrush Mystery Box
score perfectly on 66 mystery box games
Jan 01, 12:19 AMzlajamilivojev Monthly Winner: Who Am I?
own T3 and be among the top 6 who do not yet have T4
Dec 30, 8:49 AMem1958 The Advent Calendar
complete 20/24 of the calendar quizzes in 9 years.
Newest members: Harmattan (Oct 02 24) eddy999 (Aug 31 24) Spacetraveller (Aug 16 24) JennyLynn824 (Jul 14 24)

No Worries! are in League B. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes 77 22 of 25 1851 20 of 25
The Daily Game 374 2 of 25 2547 13 of 25
Mind Melt 142 17 of 25 2081 15 of 25
New Question Daily --- --- 287 24 of 25
Who Am I? (hard) 222 10 of 25 2395 12 of 25
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- --- ---
Who's the Smartest Hourly 162 18 of 25 2270 16 of 25
Easy Hourly 164 18 of 25 2136 17 of 25
Mixed Hourly 156 18 of 25 2416 17 of 25
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) 199 12 of 25 2636 15 of 25
Who's the Expert 132 18 of 25 1565 20 of 25
Word Wizard 159 16 of 25 2335 15 of 25
Fill Me In 77 18 of 25 1225 16 of 25
Obscurity 224 12 of 25 2749 10 of 25
Gold Madness --- --- --- ---
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
windrush Nairne Australia224638073445576
Fifiscot Massachusetts USA208325052555000
em1958 New South Wales Australia230254952754374
baldricksmum Poole UK169179962393870
catbrain Melbourne Australia122752142913782
maddogrick16 Calgary Canada101558761683380
zlajamilivojev Belgrade Serbia107769101313274
Mommakat Western Australia Australia233977351883214
buncha1956 New South Wales Australia122265541872537
pitegny France48009602302462

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