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Quizzes for Sixth Grade
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FunTrivia has been the #1 source for online quizzes for over 20 years. The quizzes below are perfect for use by teachers, home-schoolers, parents, and students of roughly grade 6 level.About our Quizzes: Notes for Teachers and Parents
"And" is a very common word. It also goes behind many different letters and combinations of letters to make other words. Match these pictures and letters so that the word formed from the letters plus "and" describes what you see.
Look at the map and find the numbers. Your first task is to decide which U.S. state is represented by each number. But wait! There's a twist! Identify the state using its nickname. Good luck!
The past has gotten a little mixed up! All of these historical events are out of order. Help me place them in the proper order, from the event that happened first to the event that happened last.
All the answers to the questions in this quiz can be made from the letters in BASEBALL. Absolutely no knowledge of the game is required, except how to spell it!
As I'm armed with my bad drawings, a stack of cue cards, and a Sharpie, here's a look at ten famous people who all bear uncanny resemblances when drawn on small pieces of paper. Did I mention I can't draw?
Look at the map and find the numbers. Your first task is to decide which U.S. state is represented by each number. But wait! There's a twist! Identify the state using its nickname. Good luck!
The final quiz in my series of labeling US State Capitals, featuring the last ten cities ordered alphabetically (by city name, not state). Can you match the correct capital city name (Richmond to Trenton) to its geographical location?
Look at the map and find the numbers. Your first task is to decide which U.S. state is represented by each number. But wait! There's a twist! Identify the state using its nickname. Good luck!
Look at the map and find the numbers. Your first task is to decide which U.S. state is represented by each number. But wait! There's a twist! Identify the state using its nickname. Good luck!
The world is full of colours and sometimes those get more detailed than red, blue, yellow, and green. In this quiz, help me identify the ten colours you see. I'll give you the names and you match them to their numbers.
The neighborhood dogs have figured out what the pass code to my doggie door is and have passed this information on to their puppies. I now have numerous puppies traipsing in and out at all hours. Can you guess what breed each of these beautiful faces is?
The word "malapropism" comes from Mrs Malaprop, a character created by the playwright Richard Sheridan. She often used fancy words that were just plain wrong. I'll give you some famous malapropisms and you guess the correct term.
So you want to be an archaeologist? It takes years of study and hard work to achieve greatness in this field! To begin, let's see if you can identify the following terms. Success won't make you an archaeologist, but it might begin the process!
A simile is a saying when you compare something to another completely different thing. If you use a simile too often it becomes a cliche. If you get these 10 you may be laughing like a hyena.
This is an adult world and kids rarely have a say - but that shouldn't discourage anyone who isn't yet of age. Have a look at these eleven examples of young people who've made a positive impact on this world before they turned 20.
This is a test quiz for a new "Order Quiz" format that is coming soon! In this quiz, you need to order the things in our solar system from closest to the sun to farthest, starting at the Sun.
Easier, 10 Qns, Terry,
Dec 29 21
Recommended for grades: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Ten different people, places, and things have gotten together to form a super-team and what they need you to do is figure out who, where, and what they are. All of them begin with the letter 'A'. Good luck!
This is a LooneyTunes riddle type quiz for the younger crowd here at Quizzyland who love these characters like my son and I do. Just find the character according to the clues. That's all folks!
Very Easy, 10 Qns, Bruyere,
Aug 15 01
Recommended for grades: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Let's face it, in the era we live, kids and teens want their facts quick and simple. Here are entries from travel guides written specifically for the indifferent teenager. See if you can pick out the city or location they are in.
Various parts of our bodies have names that are also other things we know in the world. Can you figure out what body parts these are with their visual homonymic counterparts?
Uncle Charlie has a fund of quaint expressions. Frankly, some of them are pretty weird! And a lot of them seem to involve animals. Take this quiz to see if you can figure out what the heck he's talking about.
By adding a letter you will make a new word! The answer will be the added letter only. The answer to the last question is made from all the other answers in order. Enjoy.
I had an urge to travel the world but just didn't have the time. Come and see where I went to in fast forward. You won't be disappointed in some tidbits in the interesting information!
The world is filled with beauty, and each state in the United States has its own natural wonders. Has your family ever taken a driving vacation to just enjoy the scenery? Let's see if you can choose the state where each site is located.
The penultimate quiz in my series of labeling US State Capitals, featuring the fourth set of ten cities ordered alphabetically (by city name, not state). Can you match the correct capital city name (Madison to Raleigh) to its geographical location?
We all know that man's best friend has been a faithful servant and saved many a person, but there are other critters anxious to get in on the action. These are animals, other than dogs, that have provided various services to humans.
The people in this quiz have made various impacts on the world. They did not let the fact that they were in a wheelchair hinder them. Come learn a little more of these fascinating individuals.
In the spring of 2012 my husband and I had the pleasure of going on safari in Kenya. These are some of the many amazing animals we were privileged to see.
Another quiz for the dog lovers on this site. Here are ten more breeds for you to identify. If you are interested in one of the breeds in this quiz, just look online and you can probably find a rescue group with a wonderful dog looking for a new home.