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Team Board
TV Watchers Anonymous
Group Number: 3676, Team Leader: driver88

  There are 1688 members. 19 are considered active.

  A group for players who LOVE TV

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: wayne8351, Baileybrother, Mimi1950, teveenutt, marcu22, driver88, Joeldude1, memorylane42, tag11, pointparkchic, triviabore, bosswoman3, Shortcake1974
Ranked #9 in League D last month.
This group is currently set as open to all. Join Now!

All Leagues : League D : Current Standings

For December we are using 5 games for the casual emerald league. Teams require at least 2 active members to rank.
Team Heroes   New Qn Game   Mixed Hourly    Easy Hourly   Fifty-Fifty

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero NewEasyMixFifty Score
1. British Brains 121 /150 2 /150 1 /150 2 /150 2 /150 8
2. The Proud Peacocks 232 /150 6 /150 2 /150 1 /150 1 /150 12
3. Scotland the Brains 223 /150 1 /150 5 /150 4 /150 6 /150 19
4. Ojibwe Lodge 57 /150 9 /150 10 /150 9 /150 3 /150 38
5. Yasgur's Farm 1012 /150 14 /150 3 /150 3 /150 8 /150 40
6. Hakuna Matata 724 /150 8 /150 4 /150 5 /150 7 /150 48
7. South African players 511 /150 16 /150 17 /150 8 /150 4 /150 56
8. The Lost Connection 1121 /150 7 /150 7 /150 10 /150 12 /150 57
9. USA West Coast 156 /150 24 /150 18 /150 7 /150 5 /150 60
10. United States of Trivia 829 /150 3 /150 9 /150 12 /150 11 /150 64
11. Canberrans 827 /150 12 /150 8 /150 6 /150 19 /150 72
12. Dynasty Dominators of Death 810 /150 18 /150 16 /150 11 /150 18 /150 73
13. TV Watchers Anonymous 1938 /150 4 /150 6 /150 13 /150 16 /150 77
14. THE Baker's Dozen 65 /150 19 /150 14 /150 19 /150 21 /150 78
15. The Titans 64 /150 15 /150 12 /150 22 /150 57 /150 103
16. Past Times 1219 /150 28 /150 19 /150 26 /150 15 /150 107
17. Sploofers 1320 /150 26 /150 35 /150 31 /150 9 /150 121
18. Romania Team 718 /150 25 /150 27 /150 39 /150 26 /150 135
19. Trivia Garden 715 /150 45 /150 25 /150 28 /150 24 /150 137
20. Raised in the Sixties 422 /150 22 /150 22 /150 21 /150 74 /150 137
21. Adz Mates 330 /150 32 /150 13 /150 16 /150 --- 141
22. Yes, We're Babes! 328 /150 --- 15 /150 18 /150 39 /150 150
23. Trivia For Adults 814 /150 5 /150 44 /150 61 /150 42 /150 155
24. StarStruck 532 /150 21 /150 36 /150 36 /150 32 /150 157
25. The Frost Dragons 333 /150 44 /150 29 /150 33 /150 20 /150 159
TeamActive Hero New Easy Mix Fifty Score
26. Totally Trivia 1145 /150 35 /150 31 /150 41 /150 14 /150 166
27. Trivia Geeks 1040 /150 67 /150 20 /150 15 /150 89 /150 175
28. Laid Back Larrikins 913 /150 --- 71 /150 27 /150 77 /150 190
29. Children of Terra 1041 /150 48 /150 33 /150 32 /150 36 /150 190
30. WWE Champions Team 279 /150 29 /150 34 /150 83 /150 29 /150 192
31. The White Angels 439 /150 37 /150 40 /150 30 /150 49 /150 195
32. Indian Gang 823 /150 --- 23 /150 --- --- 196
33. New York State Folks 188 /150 --- 68 /150 62 /150 41 /150 199
34. Bikers 59 /150 41 /150 50 /150 52 /150 53 /150 200
35. Music Moguls 1116 /150 36 /150 55 /150 55 /150 50 /150 202
36. Supernatural Fans 1125 /150 40 /150 38 /150 54 /150 52 /150 203
37. Travellers 349 /150 42 /150 45 /150 37 /150 30 /150 203
38. TEAM B.C. 717 /150 --- --- 95 /150 44 /150 211
39. The Westerners 844 /150 39 /150 53 /150 51 /150 28 /150 211
40. 50+ And Proud Of It 548 /150 46 /150 46 /150 44 /150 31 /150 215
41. UAW (United A of the World) 2--- 43 /150 --- --- 22 /150 215
42. Inhabitants of Planet Earth 460 /150 33 /150 93 /150 60 /150 35 /150 218
43. Trivially Challenged 1326 /150 61 /150 84 /150 65 /150 45 /150 221
44. Anhk-Morpork Academicals 2--- --- --- 24 /150 --- 224
45. SAGreat 251 /150 --- 69 /150 42 /150 34 /150 226
46. Hardcore History Gurus 331 /150 --- 106 /150 88 /150 68 /150 231
47. MGOBLUE 372 /150 --- 66 /150 58 /150 33 /150 233
48. USS Enterprise 534 /150 --- --- --- --- 234
49. Dumpster Fire 559 /150 64 /150 51 /150 34 /150 --- 234
50. Recycled Virgins 2--- 38 /150 70 /150 50 /150 65 /150 238
51. THE JOY 350 /150 72 /150 39 /150 70 /150 62 /150 239
TeamActive Hero New Easy Mix Fifty Score
52. Tofflemires 274 /150 53 /150 43 /150 71 /150 --- 243
53. The Astute Achievers 1447 /150 47 /150 86 /150 72 /150 71 /150 244
54. the banana splits 456 /150 --- 47 /150 48 /150 56 /150 245
55. The Woof Pack 2--- --- 67 /150 53 /150 46 /150 246
56. Team Texans 255 /150 55 /150 52 /150 49 /150 79 /150 249

: Top teams move up to league C at end of month.    
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Dec 06, 9:34 AMdriver88 Winningest
get 1000 win points combined over all hourly games
Dec 05, 3:36 PMMimi1950 Quizzes of the Hour
complete 720 quizzes of the hr
Nov 27, 1:00 AMpointparkchic Word Wizard
score 35 win points in Word Wizard
Nov 24, 9:36 AMtag11 Point Emperor
score 1000000 FunTrivia points
Nov 17, 3:36 PMdriver88 Jack of All Trades
win 100 Expert categories
Nov 13, 4:00 AMwayne8351 Obscurity: Winner
score 10 win points in the Obscure Game
Nov 11, 9:36 AMwayne8351 Point Emperor
score 10000000 FunTrivia points
Newest members: bugger542024 (Jun 15 24) Juunlar (Jun 13 24) loriannie (May 22 24) Appletini (Jan 02 24)

TV Watchers Anonymous are in League D. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes 133 16 of 150 503 38 of 150
The Daily Game 70 33 of 150 1052 7 of 150
Mind Melt 136 5 of 150 933 10 of 150
New Question Daily 150 7 of 150 1744 4 of 150
Who Am I? (hard) 135 4 of 150 1078 7 of 150
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- 278 20 of 150
Who's the Smartest Hourly 103 16 of 150 1257 8 of 150
Easy Hourly 53 44 of 150 1442 6 of 150
Mixed Hourly 101 17 of 150 1185 13 of 150
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) 194 6 of 150 864 16 of 150
Who's the Expert 198 3 of 150 1477 4 of 150
Word Wizard 138 4 of 150 976 14 of 150
Fill Me In --- --- 644 19 of 150
Obscurity 188 2 of 150 527 14 of 150
Gold Madness --- --- 186 16 of 150
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
driver88 Peoria USA54224362322723
wayne8351 Louisville USA100360492102630
pointparkchic Pittsburgh USA2416869901509
memorylane42 Valley Stream USA9172889601457
triviabore New York USA3878528741329
FIFIthePOODLE new york USA6332059741320
VMarsFan17 New Zealand3799484941235
cleeclope Phoenix USA23312891051194
oldjohn Indiana USA416631559940
Mimi1950 Long neck USA148141834766

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