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Maximum Effort
Group Number: 35521, Team Leader: Madcapsjs

  There are 18 members. 4 are considered active.

  Fate leads the willing, and drags along the reluctant - Seneca

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: maos264, Lapsy62
Ranked #54 in League D last month.
This group is currently set as invite only. You can join this group by requesting the group number or receiving a group invitation from any existing member.

All Leagues : League D : Current Standings

For December we are using 5 games for the casual emerald league. Teams require at least 2 active members to rank.
Team Heroes   New Qn Game   Mixed Hourly    Easy Hourly   Fifty-Fifty

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero NewEasyMixFifty Score
1. British Brains 121 /150 2 /150 1 /150 3 /150 2 /150 9
2. The Proud Peacocks 232 /150 6 /150 2 /150 1 /150 1 /150 12
3. Scotland the Brains 223 /150 1 /150 4 /150 5 /150 8 /150 21
4. Ojibwe Lodge 56 /150 9 /150 11 /150 9 /150 3 /150 38
5. Yasgur's Farm 1012 /150 15 /150 5 /150 2 /150 7 /150 41
6. Hakuna Matata 724 /150 8 /150 3 /150 6 /150 4 /150 45
7. The Lost Connection 1121 /150 7 /150 7 /150 10 /150 11 /150 56
8. South African players 511 /150 14 /150 20 /150 8 /150 6 /150 59
9. United States of Trivia 828 /150 3 /150 9 /150 11 /150 9 /150 60
10. USA West Coast 1510 /150 27 /150 17 /150 7 /150 5 /150 66
11. Canberrans 826 /150 12 /150 8 /150 4 /150 22 /150 72
12. Dynasty Dominators of Death 88 /150 18 /150 15 /150 15 /150 19 /150 75
13. THE Baker's Dozen 67 /150 21 /150 16 /150 21 /150 18 /150 83
14. TV Watchers Anonymous 1940 /150 4 /150 6 /150 12 /150 23 /150 85
15. Past Times 1220 /150 24 /150 18 /150 26 /150 15 /150 103
16. The Titans 64 /150 16 /150 12 /150 22 /150 55 /150 104
17. Sploofers 1319 /150 26 /150 35 /150 31 /150 12 /150 123
18. Trivia Garden 717 /150 51 /150 24 /150 27 /150 21 /150 139
19. Raised in the Sixties 423 /150 22 /150 25 /150 19 /150 71 /150 139
20. Adz Mates 329 /150 32 /150 13 /150 17 /150 --- 141
21. Yes, We're Babes! 327 /150 --- 14 /150 18 /150 38 /150 147
22. Romania Team 718 /150 33 /150 27 /150 44 /150 28 /150 150
23. The Frost Dragons 333 /150 42 /150 28 /150 32 /150 17 /150 152
24. StarStruck 530 /150 19 /150 39 /150 35 /150 30 /150 153
25. Trivia For Adults 814 /150 5 /150 45 /150 63 /150 41 /150 155
TeamActive Hero New Easy Mix Fifty Score
26. Totally Trivia 1142 /150 29 /150 31 /150 37 /150 16 /150 155
27. Trivia Geeks 1038 /150 64 /150 19 /150 16 /150 85 /150 173
28. Children of Terra 1039 /150 47 /150 32 /150 33 /150 33 /150 184
29. WWE Champions Team 276 /150 28 /150 33 /150 81 /150 29 /150 190
30. Laid Back Larrikins 913 /150 --- 85 /150 28 /150 --- 191
31. Bikers 59 /150 37 /150 46 /150 51 /150 52 /150 192
32. The White Angels 441 /150 36 /150 38 /150 30 /150 47 /150 192
33. Indian Gang 822 /150 --- 22 /150 --- --- 194
34. New York State Folks 185 /150 --- 64 /150 61 /150 40 /150 195
35. Music Moguls 1116 /150 38 /150 53 /150 53 /150 49 /150 203
36. 50+ And Proud Of It 545 /150 45 /150 44 /150 40 /150 36 /150 210
37. Travellers 351 /150 44 /150 47 /150 39 /150 32 /150 212
38. Supernatural Fans 1131 /150 41 /150 42 /150 55 /150 51 /150 214
39. The Westerners 847 /150 40 /150 52 /150 50 /150 27 /150 214
40. TEAM B.C. 715 /150 --- --- 91 /150 50 /150 215
41. UAW (United A of the World) 2--- 43 /150 --- --- 24 /150 217
42. Trivially Challenged 1325 /150 59 /150 80 /150 66 /150 44 /150 219
43. Inhabitants of Planet Earth 460 /150 34 /150 91 /150 58 /150 35 /150 219
44. Anhk-Morpork Academicals 2--- --- --- 23 /150 --- 223
45. SAGreat 248 /150 --- 73 /150 45 /150 34 /150 227
46. MGOBLUE 369 /150 --- 62 /150 56 /150 31 /150 231
47. Hardcore History Gurus 332 /150 --- 107 /150 94 /150 74 /150 232
48. Dumpster Fire 559 /150 62 /150 49 /150 34 /150 --- 233
49. USS Enterprise 534 /150 --- --- --- --- 234
50. THE JOY 346 /150 70 /150 43 /150 77 /150 59 /150 239
51. Recycled Virgins 2--- 39 /150 67 /150 52 /150 63 /150 239
TeamActive Hero New Easy Mix Fifty Score
52. Tofflemires 271 /150 56 /150 41 /150 69 /150 --- 241
53. the banana splits 454 /150 --- 48 /150 47 /150 80 /150 245
54. The Astute Achievers 1450 /150 46 /150 83 /150 70 /150 68 /150 246
55. The Woof Pack 2--- --- 63 /150 54 /150 48 /150 248
56. Team Texans 256 /150 53 /150 56 /150 49 /150 76 /150 249

: Top teams move up to league C at end of month.    
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Oct 29, 7:20 AMmaos264 Fifty-Fifty: Difficult
score 1190 in a difficult game
May 19, 12:02 AMmaos264 Who am I?
win your division 4 times
Apr 24, 3:34 PMLapsy62 Old Timer
play 5 years and be at least rank 2a
Apr 20, 3:35 AMmaos264 Knockout Hero
score 400 knockout points
Apr 16, 2:30 PMmaos264 Speed Demon
score 35 win points in the Easy Game
Mar 10, 3:34 PMumba2 Old Timer
play 5 years and be at least rank 2a
Feb 03, 3:34 AMMadcapsjs Knockout Hero
score 600 knockout points
Newest members: ChrisSully616 (Jan 31 20) Sasmit5 (Nov 26 19) Medic68 (Nov 14 19) Lapsy62 (Sep 03 19)

Maximum Effort are in League D. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes 15 47 of 150 55 72 of 150
The Daily Game --- --- 429 39 of 150
Mind Melt 84 18 of 150 458 34 of 150
New Question Daily --- --- --- ---
Who Am I? (hard) --- --- --- ---
World Daily Quiz --- --- --- ---
Pot of Gold --- --- --- ---
Who's the Smartest Hourly --- --- --- ---
Easy Hourly 47 44 of 150 47 93 of 150
Mixed Hourly --- --- 7 105 of 150
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) --- --- --- ---
Who's the Expert --- --- --- ---
Word Wizard --- --- --- ---
Fill Me In --- --- --- ---
Obscurity --- --- --- ---
Gold Madness --- --- --- ---
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
maos264 Florida USA3807493811337
boojie Venice USA4043802811306
Quest2299 Washington USA3364366631076
meremintz New Jersey USA2027828871061
dgiacalone Palmerston North New Zealand119804573707
Lapsy62 Oklahoma USA113477646703
Madcapsjs Idaho USA87379261530
postman021 Bayamon Puerto Rico65475544514
papeshow California USA65790649505
sea1934 Lake George USA30133029387

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