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Team Board
Sports Lovers
Group Number: 3677, Team Leader: Terry

  There are 3508 members. 18 are considered active.

  A group for players who love sports!

   Seen over the last 24 Hours: mlpitter, utahsig2304, Dizart, Richard27, abfalcon, sw11, coachwc, Jep01810, dietpepsi55, condoro08
Ranked #12 in League C last month.
This group is currently set as open to all. Join Now!

All Leagues : League C : Current Standings

For October we are using 6 games for the 33 team sapphire league.
Team Heroes   Fill Me In   Fifty-Fifty   Daily Game   Word Wizard   Mind Melt

READ ME: Info & FAQ - Last Month

TeamActive Hero DailMeltWordFITBFifty Score
1. Writer's Block 151 /33 1 /33 3 /33 3 /33 14 /33 5 /33 27
2. Wise & Winsome Night Owls 272 /33 9 /33 2 /33 8 /33 1 /33 6 /33 28
3. The Daily Players 616 /33 10 /33 7 /33 1 /33 2 /33 1 /33 37
4. Dream Weavers 1214 /33 4 /33 16 /33 4 /33 3 /33 10 /33 51
5. The Mustard Seeds 129 /33 16 /33 4 /33 14 /33 7 /33 4 /33 54
6. Age Is Only a Number 2011 /33 6 /33 5 /33 5 /33 16 /33 12 /33 55
7. Best of the West 224 /33 2 /33 1 /33 6 /33 21 /33 22 /33 56
8. XYPers 1125 /33 17 /33 12 /33 7 /33 6 /33 2 /33 69
9. Heaven's Angels 610 /33 15 /33 13 /33 12 /33 9 /33 11 /33 70
10. The Misplaced 1123 /33 11 /33 6 /33 19 /33 8 /33 3 /33 70
11. The Homo Sapiens 273 /33 24 /33 14 /33 13 /33 4 /33 13 /33 71
12. Midwest USA Players 3112 /33 7 /33 23 /33 2 /33 11 /33 18 /33 73
13. The CBBers 317 /33 14 /33 9 /33 11 /33 12 /33 17 /33 80
14. English Group 108 /33 20 /33 10 /33 17 /33 22 /33 7 /33 84
15. The New England Alliance 157 /33 12 /33 24 /33 16 /33 15 /33 14 /33 88
16. Aussies 86 /33 13 /33 11 /33 18 /33 19 /33 29 /33 96
17. League of Nations 819 /33 8 /33 25 /33 10 /33 17 /33 26 /33 105
18. Just Regular People 826 /33 26 /33 15 /33 9 /33 13 /33 16 /33 105
19. Team Wales 1622 /33 25 /33 22 /33 20 /33 10 /33 8 /33 107
20. Ultimate Opportunists 205 /33 5 /33 30 /33 27 /33 20 /33 24 /33 111
21. Hakuna Matata 820 /33 23 /33 17 /33 25 /33 18 /33 9 /33 112
22. Yorkshire and Proud 929 /33 21 /33 21 /33 21 /33 5 /33 21 /33 118
23. Friends of Jesus 2621 /33 19 /33 26 /33 15 /33 23 /33 25 /33 129
24. Triviamanic 1518 /33 27 /33 8 /33 24 /33 31 /33 23 /33 131
25. The Meek Shall Inherit 3115 /33 28 /33 19 /33 28 /33 24 /33 19 /33 133
TeamActive Hero Dail Melt Word FITB Fifty Score
26. Sports Lovers 1830 /33 3 /33 20 /33 29 /33 27 /33 28 /33 137
27. Dog Park 624 /33 18 /33 31 /33 31 /33 26 /33 15 /33 145
28. Atheist Quizzers 1913 /33 29 /33 18 /33 22 /33 --- 31 /33 146
29. The Dog People 3131 /33 22 /33 28 /33 26 /33 28 /33 20 /33 155
30. Sploofers 1532 /33 30 /33 27 /33 23 /33 25 /33 27 /33 164
31. Scotland the Brains 1827 /33 31 /33 29 /33 30 /33 30 /33 30 /33 177
32. Worldwide Trivia Lovers 2128 /33 32 /33 32 /33 32 /33 29 /33 32 /33 185

: Top teams move up to league B at end of month.     Bottom teams move down to League D at end of month.
DateTeam MemberChallenge CompletedTier
Today, 8:08 AMsw11 Masterpiece
earn 8 Author Paintings
Today, 5:51 AMsw11 Epic: Improvement III
Awarded to a player who completes the requirements of the 'Improvement' Epic Daily Challenge.
Oct 01, 5:49 PMsw11 A New Life
Have an adopted quiz in 8 categories, each of which has at least 15 Excellent ratings
Oct 01, 12:19 AMmlpitter Monthly Winner: Photo Mania
be among top 10 players who do not yet have the badge
Oct 01, 12:19 AMDizart Monthly Winner: Pot of Gold
own T3 and be among the top 6 who do not yet have T4
Sep 30, 9:34 PMsw11 Authoring: Lineup
Author 5 order quizzes
Sep 28, 4:07 AMmlpitter Achievement: GM Madness
for scoring 1050 points
Newest members: utahsig2304 (Mar 18 24) JazzyPansky (Jan 31 24) Goatofgirls (Dec 05 23) IMStrick (Nov 10 23)

Sports Lovers are in League C. Here's how they rank league-wide across all games:

GamePts Yest.Rank Yest.Monthly PtsMonthly Rank
Team Heroes 52 28 of 33 588 30 of 33
The Daily Game 227 6 of 33 1379 3 of 33
Mind Melt 147 19 of 33 829 20 of 33
New Question Daily 308 1 of 33 1929 1 of 33
Who Am I? (hard) 333 1 of 33 1964 1 of 33
World Daily Quiz 294 1 of 33 1874 1 of 33
Pot of Gold 202 3 of 33 1923 1 of 33
Who's the Smartest Hourly 146 15 of 33 1158 10 of 33
Easy Hourly 340 2 of 33 1404 6 of 33
Mixed Hourly 137 16 of 33 1256 11 of 33
Fifty-Fifty (Int/Dif) 26 31 of 33 516 28 of 33
Who's the Expert 51 28 of 33 1183 10 of 33
Word Wizard 30 30 of 33 443 29 of 33
Fill Me In 74 26 of 33 359 27 of 33
Obscurity 201 1 of 33 1514 1 of 33
Gold Madness 192 2 of 33 1358 1 of 33
Top 10 Scoring Members:

User NameFromTotal PointsBadgesPrestige
Dizart Fife UK468989743858097
sw11 Singapore279590853066932
mlpitter Abingdon USA257202381433640
Richard27 Caracas Venezuela95713261723245
lpbuf Republic USA64954991461704
BillyBob1219 Wisconsin USA5514810671547
flambozo Madison USA56610771021408
jessfisher North Carolina USA8747532601318
condoro08 naples USA47307701141287
abfalcon Iowa USA4839319561234

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