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1. What book of the Bible has this verse? "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."

answer Answer: Genesis

Interesting Information:
After God had created everything in six days, he rested on the seventh day. The passage was from Genesis 1:31. Difficulty: Very Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
Exodus, Matthew, Revelation

2. Which book of the Bible tells the story of a young girl that becomes queen and saves the Jews from a horrible villain?

answer Answer: Esther

Interesting Information:
Esther's name means "secret or hidden". No one knew that she was a Jew. As queen of the Persians and wife of Xerxes, she saved the Jews from the wrath of the evil Haman with the help of Mordechai. Difficulty: Average.
Some incorrect choices:
Ruth, Judges, Obadiah

3. In the New American Standard Bible, after Uriah's murder, who was the prophet that warned David of his son's death?

answer Answer: Nathan

Interesting Information:
Nathan was sent to David by the Lord. He told him a story about a rich man and a poor man that paralleled the story of Uriah and himself. David learned the Lord knew of Uriah's murder and his taking Bathsheba as a wife. Their first child would die because of David's sin. 2 Samuel 1-23 Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Zadok, Azariah, Amos

4. What relation is David to Solomon in the Bible?

answer Answer: Father

Interesting Information:
Although not David's second son, Solomon was the second child of David and Bathsheba. David had Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, killed and then made Bathsheba his wife. Because of David's sin, the Lord was angry and took the first child of that adulterous union. (2 Samuel 14:1-25, New American Standard Bible). Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Brother, Uncle, Son

5. Old documents containing accounts similar to the Bible were discovered in 1947 in caves in the desert near Jericho. What name has been given to them?

answer Answer: Dead Sea Scrolls

Interesting Information:
These scrolls were many years older than originally thought. They were dated from about 300 BC to 70 AD. Every book of the Old Testament, except the Book of Esther, was represented in these scrolls. Difficulty: Very Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
the Lachish letters, the Cyrus Cylinders, Shishak's invasion records

6. Which of John Steinbeck's novels parallels the biblical story of Cain and Abel and was the one that he thought was his best work?

answer Answer: East of Eden

Interesting Information:
According to his wife, Elaine, John Steinbeck regarded "East of Eden" as his greatest work. Although partly based on the biblical story of Cain and Abel, the novel was also heavily influenced by Steinbeck's own family history. A number of the characters were named for, and modelled on, Steinbeck's relatives and Steinbeck himself appears in the novel as a minor character. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
The Grapes of Wrath, Cannery Row, Of Mice and Men

7. What is the collective name for the first four books in the New Testament of the Bible?

answer Answer: The Gospels

Interesting Information:
The Gospels consist of the books Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The Old English meaning of godspell, or gospel, is "good news". The 1970 musical "Godspell" is based on the Gospel of Matthew. Difficulty: Very Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
The Agnostics, The Discipline, The Parables

8. What is the first word in the New International Version of the Bible?

answer Answer: In

Interesting Information:
The New International Version begins with the line, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1). The Message Bible has the first word as "First" in that translation of the Bible. There are at least 20 different versions of the Bible printed in the English language. Difficulty: Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
When, God, Before

9. In The Bible, Genesis is the first book of the Old Testament, but what is the first book of the New Testament?

answer Answer: Matthew

Interesting Information:
Matthew is the first book of the New Testament, followed by Mark, Luke and then John. Prior to becoming a disciple of Jesus, Matthew worked as a tax collector. Difficulty: Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
Mark, Luke, John

10. Which warrior and former spy is credited with writing a book of the Bible which is also named after him?

answer Answer: Joshua

Interesting Information:
Joshua was appointed by Moses to succeed him and lead the Israelites into the Promised Land. He and Caleb were the only two spies out of 12 who brought back a favourable report about the land. He was also the victor in the battle of Jericho. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
David, Gideon, Samson

11. Which Biblical patriarch passed a night wrestling with an angel?

answer Answer: Jacob

Interesting Information:
In this story, recounted in Genesis 32, Jacob spent a night wrestling an angel and refused to give up until the angel agreed to bless him. This face-to-face encounter with the angel of God left Jacob with both a limp and a new name, Israel, which means "he struggles with God." Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Abraham, Isaac, Noah

12. In 1966, what caused people throughout the "Bible Belt" in the United States to burn Beatles albums?

answer Answer: A quote from a John Lennon interview

Interesting Information:
Although manager Brian Epstein did indeed face a good deal of anti-Semitism during the height of Beatlemania (as did Ringo Starr, who is not Jewish), it was Lennon's interview with a British writer that sparked the controversy. "We're more popular than Jesus now," was his comment, which was taken out of context some months later and sparked a potent (but obviously short-lived) anti-Beatles reaction in some areas of mostly the southern U.S. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
The lyrics to "Lady Madonna", Anti-Semitic reaction to Beatles manager, Paul McCartney's admission of LSD use

13. In the King James Bible, the shortest verse "Jesus wept" recounts Jesus' reaction to the death of what man?

answer Answer: Lazarus

Interesting Information:
Found in the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 35, "Jesus wept" is often remembered for being the Bible's shortest verse. Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, had died four days prior to the arrival of Jesus. Jesus wept in front of Lazarus' tomb, prayed to God and, miraculously, was able to resurrect him. Difficulty: Average.
Some incorrect choices:
Pontius Pilate, Julius Caesar, Barabbas

14. In the Bible, the Book of Genesis states that Noah's ark came to rest in the mountains of Ararat. In what modern country is Mount Ararat located?

answer Answer: Turkey

Interesting Information:
Consisting of two peaks, Greater Ararat, at an altitude of 5,137 meters (16,854 feet), is the tallest peak in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey. The Lesser Ararat's elevation is 3,896 meters (12,782 feet). Its snow-capped, cone-shaped summit is a latent volcano. On September 27, 1829, Johann Jacob Friedrich Wilhelm Parrot, a Baltic German, was the first to successfully reach the top of Mount Ararat. Difficulty: Very Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
Tibet, Nepal, Czech Republic

15. It is widely known that "Jesus wept." (John 11:35) is the shortest verse in the Bible, but what were the circumstances in which this took place?

answer Answer: The death of a friend

Interesting Information:
The small family grouping of Lazarus, Martha and Mary appear to have been closely connected to Jesus judging by the Gospel accounts. Jesus was sent news that Lazarus was sick but delayed coming and arrived after his death. His tears came as a reaction to Mary's weeping and that of those with her. Jesus then proceeded to bring Lazarus back to life. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
A bodily injury, The ignorance of his disciples, Allergies

16. The brothers in 'Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' are given their names from the Bible. What is the sixth brother called?

answer Answer: Frank

Interesting Information:
Frank is short for Frankincense! The other brothers are Adam, Benjamin, Caleb, Daniel, Ephraim and Gideon. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Fabian, Felix, Finlay

17. Which Apostle is usually credited with writing "Acts" in the Bible?

answer Answer: Luke

Interesting Information:
The Acts of the Apostles, referred to as The Acts, is the fifth book of the New Testament. It outlines the history of the Apostolic Age. The author is traditionally identified as Luke the Evangelist.

Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Matthew, Mark, John

18. The King James Bible makes numerous references to fire and brimstone. But what exactly is brimstone, anyway?

answer Answer: Sulfur

Interesting Information:
Burning sulfur is characterized by a bright blue flame. Its main product is sulfur dioxide, which gives off a nasty rotten egg smell. Take that info to your next Bible studies class! Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Lava, Molten gold, Charcoal

19. Genesis is the first book of the Old Testament of the Bible. What is the fifth book, the last of the Torah?

answer Answer: Deuteronomy

Interesting Information:
The Protestant Old Testament contains 39 books in total, whereas the Catholic Old Testament contains 46. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers

20. In one book of the Bible, Satan is referred to as Abaddon and Apollyon. Where in the New Testament section would we find this?

answer Answer: Revelation

Interesting Information:
Revelation 9:11 tells us that, in the Hebrew language, he is called Abaddon but
in the Greek they call him Apollyon. If you have read the "Left Behind" series,
you are probably familiar with this. Difficulty: Average.
Some incorrect choices:
Luke, Romans, 1 Peter

21. According to the Bible, who was the world's first person to get drunk?

answer Answer: Noah

Interesting Information:
This incident is related in Genesis 9, following the story about the ark. "Noah, a man of the soil, proceeded to plant a vineyard. When he drank some of its wine, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent." (Genesis 9:20-21 NIV) It's strange then that Noah didn't get a size of wine bottle named for him, although Methuselah, Jeroboam and Melchizedek did! Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Methuselah, Jeroboam, Melchizedek

22. In Biblical scholarship, what is the main reason the Gospel of St. Mark is widely considered to be the earliest gospel?

answer Answer: It contains no mention of Jerusalem temple's ruin.

Interesting Information:
Many scholars believe that the destruction of the temple of Jerusalem was too culturally and religiously significant an event for the author of the Gospel of St. Mark to merely have overlooked mentioning it. Therefore, it is assumed to have been written prior to AD 70. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
The author was the oldest of the Gospel writers., It contains no mention of the Roman occupation., Scholars just guessed.

23. My goodness! Is your Bible Bump showing? Where on the human body is the Bible Bump located?

answer Answer: It's on the wrist, south of the palm.

Interesting Information:
Perfectly acceptable to show in polite company, the "Bible Bump" is a basically harmless cyst - or ganglion - that forms around the joints, usually on one's wrist. Legend had it that to break up the liquid underneath the skin that forms this small tumor, people would smack it with a heavy book, such as a Bible, although why they would do this is beyond me. I've had mine for about 50 years now, and it's never bothered me. (Info Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
It's the mound just between the eyebrows., It's a euphemism for your butt or bum., Please, sir! This is a family website.

24. According to the Bible, who was the world's first murderer?

answer Answer: Cain

Interesting Information:
This incident is recorded in Genesis 4:8 - "Now Cain said to his brother Abel, 'Let's go out to the field.' And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him." Adam was the father of Cain, Abel, and later of Seth, who was the replacement for his murdered son, Abel. Difficulty: Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
Abel, Adam, Seth

25. According to the Bible, who built an ark after God told him the world was going to be flooded?

answer Answer: Noah

Interesting Information:
Noah's ark is believed to have come to rest on Mt. Ararat which is located in Turkey. Some people in the last century have claimed that they have seen remains of the boat sticking up out of the ice. But, after so long on the mountain, the wooden boat would probably have rotted or been broken up by the ice. Noah's story is told in chapters 6-9 of the Book of Genesis. Difficulty: Very Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
Moses, Muhammad, Jesus

26. What ancient disease, mentioned often in the Bible, is caused by a bacterium that grows at cooler temperatures than many others?

answer Answer: leprosy

Interesting Information:
Leprosy is much less contagious than implied in biblical sources. Its predilection for cooler temperatures explains the increased involvement of less central body parts such as the tip of the nose and digits. Armadillo foot pads are the animal host used in many research projects involving leprosy. Difficulty: Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
tuberculosis, boils, polio

27. In which two books of the Bible can the Decalogue, or Ten Commandments, be found?

answer Answer: Exodus and Deuteronomy

Interesting Information:
The Decalogue (Ten Commandments) are found in Exodus 20:2-17 and Deuteronomy 5:6-21. (RSV)
The first four statements concerns the relationship between God and Humans. It is the first two that made the Jewish people stand out as monotheists. The last six concern the relationships between people. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Genesis and Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, Leviticus and Ecclesiastes

28. What is the only country to have a Bible appear on its national flag?

answer Answer: Dominican Republic

Interesting Information:
The Bible is opened to the Book of John, either chapter 1 or chapter 8:32 which says, "Y la verdad nos hará libre" (And the truth shall make us free). Difficulty: Average.
Some incorrect choices:
Canada, Mexico, Brazil

29. A statue of a naked young biblical hero was unveiled in 1504 in Florence. Who is the hero?

answer Answer: David

Interesting Information:
The Republic of Florence was a free city-state that felt itself threatened by powerful neighbors. Therefore the citizens of Florence saw the statue of David, the slayer of Goliath, as a symbol of liberty. The statue is a masterpiece by Michelangelo. Difficulty: Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
Samson, Jonah, Joshua

30. Possibly the best known psalm of the King James Version of the Bible begins, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." What number psalm is it?

answer Answer: Psalm 23

Interesting Information:
The Bible's Book of Psalms contains some 150 psalms, in five books. Psalm 23 is found in book one and is known as a psalm of David. Difficulty: Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
Psalm 43, Psalm 33, Psalm 53

31. What Biblical item measured 300 by 50 by 30 cubits?

answer Answer: Noah's Ark

Interesting Information:
There is much debate about the length of a cubit, but many authorities accept that is about 51 centimetres (20 inches), a typical length of an adult's forearm. This would make the Ark, as specified in Genesis 6, approximately 150 metres long. Difficulty: Very Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
Jesus' manger, The Sea of Galilee, The Ark of the Covenant

32. In the King James version of the Bible, who are the only three angels mentioned by name?

answer Answer: Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer

Interesting Information:
Gabriel is sometimes referred to as the messenger angel. It was Gabriel who foretold of Jesus' birth (Luke 1). Michael is sometimes known as the warrior angel (Revelation 12:7), and Lucifer was Satan's original name before God cast him out of heaven (Isaiah 14:2). Difficulty: Very Easy.
Some incorrect choices:
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Peter, Paul and John, Larry, Moe and Curly

33. What material were the Levite priests specifically forbidden to wear in the Israeli biblical days of old?

answer Answer: Wool

Interesting Information:
This instruction was to prevent the priests perspiring from the heat. It can be found in Ezekiel 44:15-18 (King James version) where it states "But the priests the Levites...shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them, whiles they minister in the gates of the inner court, and within. They shall have linen bonnets upon their heads, and shall have linen breeches upon their loins; they shall not gird themselves with any thing that causeth sweat". Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
Cotton, Nylon, Silk

34. Which number is the atomic number of magnesium, the number of pence in a shilling, and the number of sons Jacob had in the Bible?

answer Answer: 12

Interesting Information:
Twelve is also the lowest positive integer that is divisible by 1, 2, 3, and 4. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
7, 10, 20

35. In very early Biblical days, what killed one quarter of the known human population?

answer Answer: Cain

Interesting Information:
According to the Christian version of the Bible, Adam and Eve, after being banished from the Garden of Eden, had two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel when he grew jealous that the Lord favoured Abel's offerings over his own. One quarter of the Biblical world's population was immediately destroyed. Difficulty: Hard.
Some incorrect choices:
The Black Death, The Spanish Flu, The Ebola Virus
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